Our Summer Bucket List
Walking around my home in the first weeks of summer I take stock of our creative supplies. I wonder how to entice my boys to play independently yet at the same time to enjoy creating with them. I take note of too many art supplies I’ve purchased but never opened. Some only half used then put away; a project completed without the use of the rest.
I find a bin of cleaned recyclables stashed during covid in a massive tub under the stairs. I pull out paint supplies from four different locations in my home. I walk outside and gather up the bits of leftover sidewalk chalk my boys forgot to put away but hasn’t yet disintegrated from the spring rains. I find piles of googly eyes, a bin of rocks, and a large set of very dirty Duplos that haven’t been cleaned since we traveled across the country 2 years ago. If the mancala set we own were actually sitting out, we might play it more?
With that thought I began envisioning a bucket list of summer and with the help of the boys it came to life.
I want our summer to be filled with joy, I need it to be. Maybe need isn’t quite the right word. I envision summertime as a chance to live more creatively, intentionally setting aside time to wander, build, reflect, and rest. I guess this list was my hope to do just that.
Below you’ll find our Summer Bucket List. I created it in google docs, laminated the sheet, and it hangs in our kitchen. I tried hard to refrain from buying new items for the list but instead used my walk around the home to cull ideas. The boys have enjoyed discussing how they’ll go about gathering the neighbors for flashlight tag, capture the flag, or a bracketed soccer tournament. It has been a lovely way for me to introduce games I’d like to teach them - twister, mancala, and scrabble. And serves as a reminder of the memories I want to make with them over the summer. It will not be used as a to do list, but rather suggestions that could spark creativity.
What has captured your children’s creativity this summer? What supplies do you have lying around that deserve a second chance?